Proven business idea

Our business idea and management philosophy have demonstrated their efficiency with an annual growth rate of 13.6% in sales and 18.5% in EBITA 2006–2024.

We have acquired 139 companies across the world since 2006.

Our subsidiaries operate in the areas of: dental materials and equipment; demolition tools, attachments to cranes and excavators, forest machines; infrastructure products, contract manufacturing, environmental technology, transportation products and special products.

Clear corporate philosophy

We offer a safe haven for small and medium-sized businesses. We are guided by our corporate philosphy implying a long-term investment profile, a focus on profitability and a strongly decentralised organisation

Lifco’s corporate philosophy

Long-term holdings

Long-term investment profile with no time-limits connected to holdings.

Focus on profitability

Good profitability is a prerequisite for sustainable growth.

Decentralized organization

Our subsidiaries have a high degree of independence. That is the foundation for the creation of an entrepreneurial spirit. We never compromise with profitability and compliance with our code of conduct.

Main objective to improve earnings

Our aim is to secure that the subsidiaries continuously improve earnings and deliver strong cash flows.

Our belief is that profit is a prerequisite for long-term growth.

A profitable operation has the strength to deliver high quality products and services to its customers. It will also be a good workplace for its employees. A profitable operation can afford to invest in product development, distribution and services. Thus it can meet both customers’ and employees’ needs also longer-term.

A strong cost focus is required to stay competitive and to be profitable long-term. We aim to minimize costs that are not related to manufacturing, sales or product development. Our experience says that this approach both lower costs and create a greater employee commitment.

Dividend target

Dividend should be based on Lifco Group’s profit with regard to its financial position and future opportunities. The long-term target is to have a stable dividend development and dividend should represent 30-50 percent of post-tax earnings.